The most amazing phone yet is finally available in the Philippines and it was launched last night at the Ayala Museum, Greenbelt 4 in Makati City by the Globe Telecom - the #1 in postpaid.

Hubby and I are a proud owner of iPhone 4 and we really see to it that we can attend the launching of the iPhone 4S. Unlike last year's iPhone 4 launching which we also have attended to in Shangrila Makati, last night's launching was a real parteyyyyy. We really had a blast! Thank you so much Globe Telecom!

Ayala Museum, Greenbelt 4
We parked at Glorietta and just walked across to Greenbelt 4. The venue was already all set-ups with the music playing. We didn't go inside yet as my hubby was still taking pictures of the venue.

Hubby and I are one of the loyal customers of Globe Telecom since 2006 but we only have attended a launching party when it was iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. Last night was really a fun party. There are free drinks and foods available from the Museum Cafe. There are cocktail drinks and I even saw San Miguel Light. We decided to go inside and mingle with the crowd. They will stamp you in the arm so you'll have the access to roam around and have a free drinks and foods.

You can eat all you can in the Museum Cafe.

That's TJ Manotoc (the man in striped lilac long sleeve).

Candle light?
The most awaiting performer that night arrived at 10:00 pm and he started spinning. We were still inside the Museum Cafe and hubby was having his dessert when suddenly we heard the crowd outside going crazy. When we checked it out; Kaskade was started spinning!

The one and only Kaskade (he's cute!) :-)

One more time. Kaskade I love you! Woot!
Video taken by my iPhone 4.
The crowd are so into it. A lot of sexy babes around and a lot of cute guys, too. Everybody was dancing and some are with their drinks dancing with the beat. Real party huh?!? The Globe Telecom retains its reputation of being classy even on outdoor launching eh? That hip launching party was way cooler than the previous. I am so proud of staying with Globe.

Kaskade span until 11:00 pm and another performer took place of the center stage.

Amber Davis

Ira Cruz

Parteeey, parteeey!

Crystalle Henares (Vicki Belo's daughter). Ohh! She didn't sing or dance, by the way but just announced her Twitter follower who had won an iPhone 4S.

Of course, the President of the Philippines, NoyNoy "Pnoy" Aquino is the first loyal customer who received an iPhone 4S as his loyalty reward.

Globe Telecom Prersident and CEO, Mr. Ernest L. Cu

Finally, the iPhone 4S has launched at exactly 12:00 am, 16th of December 2011.
Just so we thought that Globe Telecom party will be over after launching but guess they'd continue the party in Republiq as announced by Crystalle Henares earlier. We wanted to but we opted to go home instead. My feet were aching and I don't think I could bear the pain for another hours of dancing.

Globe Telecom, you rock!
Overall, hubby and I had fun partying with Globe Telecom people. That was an amazing party, indeed. Thank you Globe! Talk about loyalty rewards, I'm hoping to own an iPhone 4S sooner than I think. That's it for now guys.
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