(Instagram - grcelisabeth) Slicked-Back Mullet time, When I accidentally fell into the Topshop sale and bought a jumper and a pair of jeans for a BARGAIN, The dress Marilyn Monroe wore in The Seven Year Itch at the V&A exhibition, Hair tutorial coming your way very soon (inspired by Veronica Lake), Drop Dead leggings i got from my sister's boyfriend, A non-essential buy from NastyGal
Hello my lovelies! Long time no speak, I hope you've all had a brilliant holiday! I am so, so, so sorry it's been so long since my last post. I was away over christmas and I stupidly didn't set up any drafts :( and THEN my laptop charger broke (for the millionth time, thanks Apple). I'm hoping it arrives tomorrow morning as i've had to do this post on my phone which is pooey. Then I shall hop back to normal blogging again. Woo! Please leave your newest posts in a link below, i'm so far behind on my blog stalking and I'd love to see what you've all been up to. Thank you for being so patient!
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