Sometime last year, I went to Carolinas in SM Megamall to buy a plastic boning for replacement of the broken boning of my corset dress. But when I heard the price of each piece (I need 4 pieces), I changed my mind and ended up buying other stuffs instead. I got fascinated by the crafts I saw inside the store and thought of doing DIY (Do-It-Yourself) accessories. I was inspired by HonestlyWTF to do some DIY Tutorials. Her blog has a detailed step-by-step tutorials and I find it very easy to follow.

Out of her so many tutorials, I chose to make a Macrame Bracelet. This is my first time to make one. Though it's time-consuming, I find it enjoyable. So, here's how I made it.

What I use: Embroidery thread, connector (recycled accessory), and big needle (optional).
The recycled accessory is from my bracelet that I use here. The biggest bangle has 3 pieces of this charm glued to the bangle but I found out there's only 2 left. It is ugly to look at because of the piece missing so I decided to take off all the 2 pieces left and use it for my DIY. By the way, you can use ring or any connector that has 2 holes in the end. So, here are the steps:

1. Prepare the following lengths of Embroidery Thread: 4 pcs. 30 inch, 4 pcs. 20 inch and 2 pc. 10 inch long. Take the 2 pieces of 20 inch, fold in half and pull the loop through the hole and pull the rest of the thread to the loop. Repeat it on the other side of the connector. After that, take 2 pieces of 30 inch thread and place it at the center under the 4 middle strands.
2. Fold the right thread over the 4 middle strands and under the left thread. Pull the left thread under the middle strands and pull the end of it at the loop of the right thread. Then, pull the left and right thread tightly and slide the knot up to the top.

Note: For the second square knot, try not to pull tightly. Take note that you are doing a square knot every time you finish the right-left, left-right steps. If you do not see a square knot, definitely you're doing a mistake. And if you noticed, I used 2 pieces of thread, it is because the thread is too thin and limp unlike the chinese knotting cord that HonestlyWTF used which is thicker.

Out of her so many tutorials, I chose to make a Macrame Bracelet. This is my first time to make one. Though it's time-consuming, I find it enjoyable. So, here's how I made it.
What I use: Embroidery thread, connector (recycled accessory), and big needle (optional).
The recycled accessory is from my bracelet that I use here. The biggest bangle has 3 pieces of this charm glued to the bangle but I found out there's only 2 left. It is ugly to look at because of the piece missing so I decided to take off all the 2 pieces left and use it for my DIY. By the way, you can use ring or any connector that has 2 holes in the end. So, here are the steps:
1. Prepare the following lengths of Embroidery Thread: 4 pcs. 30 inch, 4 pcs. 20 inch and 2 pc. 10 inch long. Take the 2 pieces of 20 inch, fold in half and pull the loop through the hole and pull the rest of the thread to the loop. Repeat it on the other side of the connector. After that, take 2 pieces of 30 inch thread and place it at the center under the 4 middle strands.
2. Fold the right thread over the 4 middle strands and under the left thread. Pull the left thread under the middle strands and pull the end of it at the loop of the right thread. Then, pull the left and right thread tightly and slide the knot up to the top.
3. This step is like a mirror of what you did in No. 2. Fold the left thread over the 4 middle strands and under the right thread. Pull the right thread under the middle strands and pull the end of it at the loop of the left thread. The, pull the left and right thread tightly, slide the knot up to the top. Now, you already have your first square knot.
Note: For the second square knot, try not to pull tightly. Take note that you are doing a square knot every time you finish the right-left, left-right steps. If you do not see a square knot, definitely you're doing a mistake. And if you noticed, I used 2 pieces of thread, it is because the thread is too thin and limp unlike the chinese knotting cord that HonestlyWTF used which is thicker.
4. Just repeat the Steps 2 & 3 until you reached your desired length.
5. When you finally reach your desired length, push the square knots up gently for a thicker bracelet. Add more square knots if needed. After that, you can just knot it tightly or use a needle and sew it onto the square knots about 3-4 at the center. After sewing, cut the excess of the knots of both sides. Then, repeat all the steps at the other side of the connector.
6. For the sliding closure of the bracelet, overlap the middle strands into circle. Tie each side of overlap with the excess thread.
7. Take the 2 pieces of 10 inch of thread and tie at the center of the middle strands. Then, make a square knots following the steps of how you do the bracelet. A 1/2 inch length of knots would do.
8. Try the bracelet and see the space needed for your hand and wrist when you wear it. Adjust the length and mark the adjustment to where you will cut the excess thread.
Yay! Your Macrame Bracelet is ready to party!
What do you think? Do you find it easy to do? I still have some connectors so I'm going to make more Macrame style. I will try to do the other DIY tutorials, so expect from me to post more recreations inspired by HonestlyWTF on my future posts.

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