In this month of September, we are celebrating the Family Day. If I'm not mistaken, there's a commercial ad of Sharon Cuneta pertaining to Family Day on the 27th of this month. Anyway, Family Day always happen everyday in everybody's home, ayt? Anyway, it seems that we are into celebration together with our family, and oh well, hubby and I literally did it this week.
Last Sunday, together with my hub's family, we get bonded in Bonifacio High Street. Hubby and I fetched his brother with his family from San Juan City at around 2:00 p.m. and headed straight to Krispy Kreme in Bonifacio High Street. Mamita (hub's mom), and his other sibling were waiting for us there. As I've mentioned from my previous post, I still go for the High Street if we talk about bonding with family. That place is perfect to get bond with.
Moving on, after having our light merienda at KK (Krispy Kreme), they already went out and started lounging outside in the benches. They are very fond of cute Jolyn who is now trying to master the walking without somebody holding her. While they are having fun outside, I and hubby decided to stay inside the KK and enjoyed their free Wi-Fi. We did facebook-ing. What else pa ba? Hehehe...
After half an hour, we joined them outside, set our tri-pod and did some photo shoot.

Oh yes, kelangan may background ng NIKE. Hehe...
I love this place. We had seen a lot of dogs with various breed. In here, your pets are also allowed to lounge around together with you. What breed I really love amongst them that day?
... was this Zhih Tzu.

As we were heading towards the Serendra, it was decided that we will take our dinner in Eastwood City (QC) but to our dismay, the Gerry's Grill where we are supposed to go was already been closed. So, we headed to Market! Market! where the Fort branch of the restaurant is. It was only 6:30 p.m. then, but we got hungry so early.

The Serendra
With my hub's family in Gerry's Grill.
We're so full after the yummy dinner (Thank you Ate Babs). By the way, I love my keds doll shoes. It was my first time to use it with socks and it didn't hurt anymore. Haven't I told you that I got blister in my left foot the last time I wore it without any socks on it? Yes, it was painful. The shoe size just fit me right at first but after a long hour of walking, it doesn't fit right anymore with my foot (but only the left shoe alone). It tends to loose and it rubs uncomfortably to my skin and caused me one blister after. Though it was just small, it was still painful, duh!
Okay, that's it for now. How 'bout you? Where do you usually spend your weekend with your family?
Smile always and stay tuned.
P.S. Next post would be with my family somewhere in North.
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