Am primit cateva e-mail-uri in care imi cereati sa mai postez poze cu celebritati care poarta haine de la Zara. Nu a fost foarte greu sa gasesc pentru ca foarte multe staruri de la Hollywood poarta creatiile brandului spaniol. Kourtney Kardashian in pantaloni Zara Kim Kardashian poarta sacoul Zara inspirat de Givenchy Camilla Belle Olivia Palermo cu o jacheta Zara Camasa Zara Alexa Chung in salopeta Zara TRF Alte celebritati care poarta Zara aici.
What a busy Monday we had. Today, our car is color coding but we were able to view a lot of condos for my two (2) clients. Well, we maximize our time starting 11:00 am and we finished at 2:00 pm. We got home before 3:00 pm. Yey! We were able to work in color coding window of 10:00 am to 3:00 pm only.
So, how’s your Monday, beauties?
Yesterday, I made another NOTW (Nail of the Week). Yes, I am changing nail arts every weekend hehehe. I am really such an addict. I will be sharing with you a tutorial but this time, I make the steps and posting of photos of step-by-step short cut since you already have an idea and tips on how I do it from my previous nail art tutorials.
Step 1.) Apply the base coat onto your clean nails. I'm using Elianto in Dark Sea Green.
Step 2.) Using the L.A. Color Craze polish in Shock, put little amount onto the CD and using the toothpick, dip it in the polish and apply onto nails by making five (5) dots.
Step 3.) Using the needle or aspili, feather it to the center to create a flower.
Step 4.) Using the L.A. Art Deco in Yellow, repeat the step 2 & 3 to create a small flower.
Step 5.) Using the L.A. Art Deco in Rose, put a dot to each of the flower you created for a nice colorful bud!
Step 6.) Always apply a top coat in the end to protect your nail art.
It's that easy, beauties. You have a striking flower nail art in just less than an hour. By the way, I’m always thanking my hubs in patiently taking the shots for every nail art tutorial I made as well as my other random stuffs I’ve posted here. Love yah hubs!
See you next post. Smile beauties and say... I am beautiful!
I just finished washing my make-up brushes. It does feel good. Having my brushes cleaned is like I got showered hehehe. Yes, just like a human body, it also needs a wash monthly or 2x a week, depends on how frequent you used them. The brushes can be a magnet of oils, dust and bacteria and it will lead for acne break-outs and formation of black heads. So, be sure to clean it.
I want to share with you a tutorial on how I clean mine.You will need the following: 1.) Warm Water 2.) Bowl 3.) Baby Shampoo (I’m using Johnson&John Baby Shampoo) 4.) Clean Towel Here's the easy steps: Step 1.) Fill warm water into the bowl. Step 2.) Dip each brush and make sure it is saturated in the warm water. Step 3.) Start with your smallest brush first. Put a small amount of baby shampoo in your palm.
Step 4.) Swirl it in the shampoo until it is soapy. Do it with the rest of your brushes.
Step 5.) Then, swirl each of the soapy brushes in the warm water onto your palm. When the water becomes dirty, just refill water onto your palm. Repeat as necessary until water becomes clear. Step 6.) Wrap each brush in a clean towel and shake out the excess water. Step 7.) Lay the brushes in the towel in an open air. Rotate the brushes when another side dries up to keep the bristles from flattening on side.
Step 8.) After drying, keep them in your lovely cosmetic brush case. See? It's like a brand-new again. Oh, I love to do FOTD. Hahaha. This is my Large Powder Brush. I so so lurve this! I used this for putting on loose powder. I used this on applying my blush also if I want a more natural look result cheek blush.
Colectiile lui Kate Moss pentru Topshop arata din ce in ce mai bine. Supermodelul devenit designer tocmai si-a lansat colectia de vara, ce-a de-a douasprezecea pentru Topshop. Sursele ei de inspiratie au fost, si de aceasta data, hainele vintage si propria garderoba. Printre cele mai bine de 80 de piese regasim rochii maxi de zi, rochite pentru petreceri, pantaloni scurti, evazati si skinny, blazere, salopete, dar si lenjerie sau tricouri simple, uni. Kate a preferat materiale ca matasea, dantela, sifonul si bumbacul. Topshop livreaza acum si in Romania cu o taxa de shipping de 7,50£. Imagini din campania publicitara si cateva piese care imi plac Rochie cu imprimeu vintage Rochie din sifon, cu detalii din dantela si imprimata cu maci albi Tunica din bumbac Capa din matase cu broderie sursa foto: topshop
As promised, I did a review for my new lipstick Maybelline COLORsensational in Bonbon Pink and I did an FOTD (Face of the Day) when we pay a visit again to Mom last Sunday.
The Maybelline COLORsensational P31 in Bonbon Pink. I've read a lot of nice reviews about this lipstick and finally, I decided to give it a try. When applied to lips, it's really pigmented. It has a soft tiny sparkles and it does moisturize your lips. It didn't make my lips chapped or dry. I think it flatters my current skin tone as I am not fair, not morena, but just a bit tanned.
Using my new lipstick, I finished the FOTD with the following:
On the face:
- Max Factor Pan Cake in 101 Naturel No.2
- Natural Rice oil-absorbing rice powder in Natural RP06
On the eyes:
- IN2IT eyebrow shadow in Striking
- IN2IT liquid eyeliner in Black
- IN2IT mascara in Black
- NYX eyeshadow base in Skintone
- NYX jumbo eye pencil in Milk
- NYX single eyeshadow in Taupe
- Bobbi Brown Nude on Nude Shimmer Wash Eye Shadow Palette in Mahogany Eye Shadow
- Expert Wear Trio
On the cheeks:
- NYX Blush in Natural
On the lips:
- Maybelline COLORsensational in Bonbon Pink
- NYX lip liner in Natural
You know what? I experimented with my eyes. I tried applying the In2IT liquid eye liner onto my eyes upper lash line with a wing! I'm happy with the result.
I really love how it made my eyes pop. Smile beauties!
Este primavara si culorile de oja indraznete, vibrante sunt din nou la moda. Albastrul in diferite nuante, de la navy pana la aqua, portocaliul, movul sau rozul aprins sunt printre cele mai hot optiuni. Pentru cele clasice, negrul ramane de baza, la fel si rosul. Cele mai putin indraznete pot alege nuante nude sau pastelurile. Ciara Jessica Simpson Pixie Lott Jessica Alba Tinsley Mortimer Olivia Palermo Zoe, fiica lui Lenny Kravitz Kristin Cavallari Lauren Conrad
First of all, Happy Mother’s Day to my dear Mamang! I love you. Muah muah! Yey! I just moved to Blogger. So, how do you like my new blog site now? I hope you do like it. Today, I am going to post about my new nail art. This is inspired by my Mom who loves flowers so much. Oh my, I hope I won’t get you bore again hehehe.
NOTW (Nails of the Week)... Mom’s Gold French.
Again, as usual I will post a tut (tutorial) for this.
Step 1: Start with a clean nails. Using the L.A. Colors Art Deco in Gold Glitter, make a French tip. Let it dry.
Step 2: Apply a top coat (I’m using my favourite Caronia Fast-dry top coat).
You can stop here if you want.
Step 3: Using the L.A. Colors Art Deco in White, make five (5) dots onto nails.
Step 4: Using the aspili or a needle, feather inward to the center the dots to create a flower.
Step 5: Of course, put one (1) dot to each flower to create a nice bud.
Step 6: Again, finished your work with a top coat.
There you go beauties. I hope you enjoy and have learned something with this tutorial. This is so, so, so basic. I know you can, too!
Cunoscandu-i pasiunea pentru pantofii cu tocuri ametitor de inalte, cei de la Daily mail au provocat-o pe Victoria Beckham sa poarte creatiile lui Mihai Albu cu toc de 30 de cm prezentate in colectia "Structuri" in cadrul Bucharest Fashion Week. "Arhitectul de pantofi" declara ca, in ciuda faptului ca o pereche costa 3000 de euro, a primit multe comenzi. Oare Posh va raspunde provocarii? sursa: daily mail
Actrita din "Sex and the city" a stralucit aseara la Costume Institute Gala in New York intr-o rochie Halston Heritage in nuanta sampaniei. Sarah este creative advisor al liniei diffusion lansata de Halston in 2009. Look-ul ei impecabil a fost completat cu bratari vintage Fred Leighton O vom vedea pe Sarah Jessica Parker purtand Halston Heritage si in "Sex and the city 2" SJP in rochie Halston Heritage V-neck ($325) Rochie Halston Heritage albastru electric ($435)