Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Ladies new fashion designs 2013

Ladies new fashion designs 2013
 Introducation to Fashion

Fashions mean to  follow the law of change styles,manners and conduct change with the change in mood.Fashion are infectious and spread rapidly,especially youth is more fashion conscious .They want to look extraordinarily smart and cute.Thus you can say that fashion is natural phenomenon because everyoune of us wants to see adn be be seen.

 Fashions are no exception to the law,they come and go and change rapidly with spirit of times because man love women and man loves change,variety and novelty.Old routine ,stercotyped stale things are not to his liking.With the change in the mood of men and women,change the style,manners,conduct and way of life.Thus this is human's nature to be fashionable.
 Fashion is now become very important for everyone and fashions are infectious as well and spread rapidly just like a wild fire,especially among young men and girls of the big towns and cities.They want to look smar up to-date,novel,charming and fresh in their dress,etiquettes ,styles of shoes and hair-do.Because they want to enjoy every moment of the life and are full of unlimited zeal and appetite for it.
It is said that naturally man is fashionable because of his inherent desire to see and to be seen.He wants to look beautiful and smart.New and current style in clothes,manners,help people in becoming more smart,attractive ,presentable,fascinating and loveable.People never like to be out of fashion.

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