I am back. Yes, it's been a month of hiatus and I apologize for that. But now, I am finally back. I miss blogging. I miss reading blogs. I miss commenting to your posts. I miss reading your lovely comments. Hmm... I missed a lot in the blogosphere really. I thought of sharing a bit why I was gone for a while.
My Dad was hospitalized from 08 - 20 March. He died last 20th and buried last 26th March. Despite our loss, we wholeheartedly accept that Dad's life came to an end. We thank God that He didn't prolong the pain my Dad was dealing. I actually drafted a very long sad story of what I've been through living in the hospital during my Dad's last days and in Camp Aguinaldo where his body was laid.
As much as I wanted to share also the heart-touching ceremony and arrival honour given to him in Libingan ng mga Bayani (he's a Post-World War II Veteran), I chose not to publish it. I felt good after writing a helluva sad story and I felt even better everytime I hit "preview" and read over and over again my story. Maybe someday, I will share it to you but not soon. Anyway, let me drop this for now.
Guess what? I am back with something sweet for you my lovely readers. I've never been this excited since I started blogging. I realized it feels really good to give back love by running giveaways. So, are you ready?
I will have my first giveaway for IamJenniya's blogversary which I will throw on 15th of April, mark it! Stay tuned lovelies!


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