Life is complicated. The Little Black Dress is simple. You toss it on and whether you’re on your way to work, to a party, or just getting off the beach and wanting to go to dinner, it looks great.When the Little Black Dress Club was formed in 2006, founders Jen and Christine wanted two simple things – to make new friends and to try out some new places around town. They kept it simple - they asked women they knew to pick a place and send an invitation. They chose the name because it inspired thoughts of classy evenings out with friends.Since then, LBDC members have shopped, partied, and attended 5Ks in little black dresses. The Club has grown considerably and it’s much more complicated than it used to be. The saving grace is that dressing for any of our events is simple…just throw on a little black dress.Join us today, Friday, October 19, 2012, in celebrating Coco Chanel, the creation of the little black dress and all things inspired by this simple fashion accessory.
CoCo Chanel was definitely onto something when she designed and made famous the first LBD back in the 1920’s. By publishing a photo of a short and simple black dress in a 1926 issue of Vogue, a new era of fashion was born. Coco has said to have intended the LBD to be long-lasting, versatile, affordable, accessible to the widest market possible and in a neutral color. I’d say she did that and more. She created a fashion statement and added a staple to women’s lives everywhere. There have been celebrity “best of” lists, charity events and museum exhibits. For those of us new to wearing LBD’s, you can find a youtube video on how to wear a little black dress for multiple occasions.There is even a Wikipedia page devoted to the LBD. I find myself wondering if Ms Chanel published that Vogue photograph on a whim, or if she had known all along of the impending importance of this iconic fashion accessory....
Christine Zellers, Co Founder
Shay Ashcraft, Social Media Director
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