Monday, 4 June 2012

Finding your style - for men!

Dont normally post articles for men - so here you go....

Russell Brand: has a killer sense of style.
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When it comes to developing your own sense of style, inspiration can be found in the most unusual places: your grandfather reading the Sunday paper in his undershirt and suspenders, or the epaulettes sewn onto the jacket you wore on Halloween that one time.

In fact, this is where you can get your best ideas. While runways, men’s mags and blogs – such as this one – are great for general guidance, your gut instinct can also go a long way.

Conversely, you’ll occasionally see a guy dressed in such an initially unappealing way that he becomes something of a cautionary tale. But, don’t just smirk and look away – sometimes these men could teach you a thing or two about dapper dressing.
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Let’s take a look at some of the most unlikely style guides for men's fashion and their inadvertent lessons.

Get the basics right
When Steve Jobs took to the stage to discuss how the latest Apple product was going to revolutionise the way we communicate, we’d marvel at the latest innovation assembled by longsuffering Chinese factory workers. Then one might wonder, gee, doesn’t Jobs own anything other than black turtlenecks? Certainly not for everybody, it suited the man. Also, the simplicity of his public look made sure the focus was on the product and not his sartorial selections.

Real guy rule: Our bodies are all different, figure out what silhouettes and fabrics you look good in and build your wardrobe around that.

Confidence is 95 per cent
Anyone else wearing a mohawk and copious amounts of gold chains would be mocked into an early grave, but not Mr T. Not only did he demand satisfaction and command respect, he was completely awesome and remains so to this day. The man could wear a sparkling tiara and tutu if he so desired and no one would dare question it. It goes to show that with the right attitude you can pull off any look.

Real guy rule: From coloured shoes, a chunky watch to a loud tie, as long as you have the confidence to pull it off the rest will take care of itself.

Play to your audience
I don’t care what anyone says, Russell Brand has a killer sense of style. Though if tighter-by-the-day black jeans, singlets and flowing scarfs are not to your taste I can see how he might raise eyebrows. But, much like our friend Mr. T, the distinct look is 100 per cent him. He wouldn’t be the same without it nor would he have carved out the profitable career niche he has if he were getting around in a three-piece suit.

Real guy rule: Dress to your audience. If you want to come off as suave and sophisticated, lead with your wardrobe. Ditto if you want to look like a rock star.

Evolution is important
While Justin Timberlake has been referred to as a style icon in the traditional sense, he wasn't always considered so fashion forward. We only need to cast our minds back to the eye-catching double denim suit he wore to the 2001 American Music Awards – complete with matching denim cowboy hat. He shows us that while taking a chance is great, it's equally important to let your style evolve.

Real guy rule: if your wardrobe consists entirely of jeans, T-shirt and jackets from 10 years ago you might want to rethink your approach.

What unlikely guys do you look up to for inspiration?

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