Saturday, 28 April 2012

What is Fashion?

In is out and out is in. Mismatching is matching and matching is mismatching. What used to be conventional trends have been tossed out and are being infiltrated by heterodox clothing that we can all agree are interesting, to say the least. This is not an article that gives you the guidelines on what to wear, but instead an article that should give you some insight on what fashion as a concept should be.

To be fashionable you do not have to subscribe to trends, but rather allow yourself to feel comfortable in the clothes that make you feel cool, whatever that means. The concept of fashion contains many layers, but sadly these days the concept itself has become one-dimensional and exclusive. Fashion as a whole has become this pigeonholed idea in which there is not really any room for change. That’s not to say fashion is stagnant, but rather when it has solidified its place as a “trend,” being outside of the norm can result in some unnecessary condemnation. This should never be the case. Fashion is subjective; what the magazines tell us should not be our mantras and what Kim Kardashian is wearing should never be our goals (unless, of course, you really do like her attire). Even Yves Saint-Laurent, a well known French fashion designer from the early 1900s, said that “fashions fade, style is eternal.” What you wear and what you want to wear should be a personal choice that is not influenced by what is “in” and what is “out.” These words mean absolutely nothing — all they do is create a false dichotomy that justifies the snarky stares you get when you wear something that is “so last year.” Who cares? Maybe what you’re wearing is “so next year.”

Styles are an art form and as it can be argued, there is no right or wrong in terms of making art. Our clothes can represent us as people and representations should only be based on what we want, not what others want from us. Fashion means something different to every single person, and as a community we should embrace these different interpretations, for they too create a work of art. Who would prefer a community that contains mirror images of one another? As a whole, that would be one boring piece of art.

When piecing together an outfit, try not to think about what others would want or expect you to wear, but instead pick what makes you feel beautiful, however clichéd that sounds. No one should tell you that what you’re wearing is too “hip,” or too “out-there,” and if they do, just tell them being unconventional is the new conventional.

British fashion designer Alexander McQueen stressed that “it’s a new era in fashion — there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together.” When it comes to fashion, styles and trends, there are no maxims.

That being said, let’s throw away those thick-rimmed glasses that we all know were not prescribed (unless, of course, you really like giving off the impression that you’re blind).
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